
Monday, December 12, 2016

From Practice to Quilt

After taking Kathleen's class, I knew what I was going to do with Carolyn's quilt. Prior to that, I was stumped!!

I'm not sure why the fabric looks so pink...its actually a beautiful red on the back.

Kathleen taught us to look for patterns made by the piecing as well as areas to highlight. The stars had to be highlighted, so I framed them with very dense quilting.

Here are closeups of a few more.

In this last one, you can also see the border.  I did a wide bead board with pebbles between the "boards" in gold thread. Military Gold by Glide is my favorite "go to" gold thread.

A couple more shots of the back. I wish the fabric color had photographed more true. It probably would have if I knew what I was doing--I just point and shoot!! I'm a quilter, not a photographer, in case you hadn't noticed!!! 

Thanks for looking!


Monday, December 5, 2016

I've Been Practiciing

A few weeks ago I went to Victoria with another longarm quilter to take a class with Kathleen of Kathleen Quilts!

Kathleen is amazing and a terrific teacher! The class was for domestic machine quilters, but she was nice enough to let us take it with only our sketchbooks. The best part of this was that while others were sewing, we were getting more options for the designs. It was a great day and a great class.

Kathleen showed us quilting done with these two great stencils by Jodi Robinson--which I immediately had to have! This one has so many options with these circles.


And this one--the design potential is just unlimited!


This is what my top looked like with after marking with the above stencil.  I had to put directional lines and "x"s in the blocks so I could keep track of where to sew!!

If you'd like to purchase the stencils, or any of the other wonderful aids on Jodi's site, click HERE

This is my finished sample. As you can see, I must have gotten a little too involved listening to "Outlander" while I was quilting.  Can you spot my mistakes????

Remember, if you click on the pic, you get a larger view.
