
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sharing the Yurt

Sometimes, sharing the yurt becomes a delicate balance.  In case you can't tell, that is my longarm loaded with aprons that Dennis is embroidering for Carla Barrett to take to MQS with her.  They're adorable, granted, but do they have to be on my table?  What if I want to quilt...after all, there is a quilt loaded!

The good thing about sharing is that Dennis knows when he can and can't utilize my "Lily" for storage.  During the week, I rarely quilt.  I've tried before, but after working 10 hours and then cooking dinner, I'm just not able to quilt a customer's quilt and have it look the way I want.  After many hours spent frogging, I've given that up.  However, come Friday morning, that stuff better be gone! 

Because I'll be getting back to work on this.  Its almost done...
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I bet that won't be much of an issue after last official day as a County employee.  Woohoo!!!!


  1. Let the celebrating begin!! I'm happy for you!

  2. Woo- hoo!! On both the retirement and the aprons and all. Can't wait!!

  3. Well, congrats on the retirement! How exciting... now you'll have to buy another longarm table.

  4. Last day...Yippee!!! Oh, for a second table--but we'd need a bigger yurt! (Unless I kick Dennis out--but then I'd be lonely. Hmmmmm...what to do? what to do??)

  5. Ah, retirement. Congrats.

    Dory, you are going to wonder how you ever got anything done before. Beware, though, there is always something that comes along to fill those days. I can't wait to see those aprons at MQS.

  6. Linda, great to hear from you! You'll see aprons, totes, t-shirts and sweatshirts with Carla's cute logos at MQS. Wish I were going too!

  7. Dory,
    Wow, retirement from the county and full time quilting! Could it get any better???
    I will miss you at MQS. Who will I walk the yellow brick road with now?
    Sorry had to throw that in after I read my daughter's email to minute she is all grown up and the next she is acting like a 5 year old.
    Hope your new journey treats you well. All the best,


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