
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm Seeing Stars

Since I'm taking an unscheduled break from this quilt, I thought I would take the opporunity to post a  picture of it.  Its another Victory-type quilt, but this one just has planes and a complimentary block.  Problem is, I'm doing stars in each of the dark blue squares, a star/loop in the sashing and stars and loops in the border.  I'm going to be a star expert when this is done!

The unscheduled break has left me with a few hours prior to class tonight, so I'm going to utilize my time trying to implement Bonnie Hunter's theory.  This is a pile of the leftover fabric from the Pioneer Sampler quilt I've been making in my Wednesday night class.  Its finished, so with these leftovers, I'm going to start my scrap stash ala Bonnie.  I'll be cutting them into useable pieces and organizing them in my rolling bins that live under Lily (my Millennium).

Per Bonnie's system, I"ll be cutting these pieces into useable sized pieces: strips, anything 12" or longer in different widths; squares, 1.5" to 3.5" -- no 3" squares though since nothing ever finishes to 2.5"; and bricks, from 2" x 3.5 to 3.5" x 6.5" for flying geese, etc.  The idea is that if you do this at the end of each quilt its not so overwhelming and will eventually give you enough scraps that you can actually make a scrap quilt. We'll see....I'm not even sure I like scrap quilts!

And finally, a bit of silliness.  Longarmers go through a lot of thread but this is the first time since I've started that I've actually used an entire cone of thread.  Of course, it was only white, but I used the whole thing.  So now, this empty cone sits on a shelf in my yurt.  And there it will stay until I find something to replace it with.


  1. Giggle, I used to save the empty spools when I first started quilting. When I started quilting them with invisible thread, I had the big spools and saved a few of those as well. I guess it's just the thrill of using SO MUCH!
    Lurking Linda

  2. Dory...'You're a star'!!!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  3. The cone....Its like the first dollar bill a new business gets from the first sale....we always should keep the first empty cone. I still have mine someplace.


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