
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Quilters' Derrières

I'm sure you've noticed the new picture in my header; you've probably also noticed that it no longer says "Crazy Horse Quilting."  The former was on purpose, the latter was not (I'll be calling on my friend to help me fix my mistakes...I'm still blogger challenged!)

Are you wondering why I chose this painting from Leslie's many subjects?  I just thought that these guys, especially the boy in the middle, have something very much in common with most quilters *wink*  After all, we generally sit a lot, which causes certain parts of our anatomy to spread a lot--and when have you ever known quilters to get together where there wasn't also tons of really good food???

Enjoy the painting and visit Leslie's site  Her talent is amazing and has been admired by me since I first saw this original of hers hanging in Truckee, CA.

Leslie will be at the Thursday Night Street Fair in Truckee from July 1 to July 4 (apparently Thursdays last a really long time in Truckee!).  I've got it on my calendar; I'm not missing a chance to see her work up close.


  1. I love your header picture. Love of horses and quilting are things we have in common. Also bad, bad back. Have had one surgery years ago and am now suffering from disc problems again. Doesn't look like I'll be riding this summer. Will be quilting though as I did all winter. Am a beginner at both quilting and horses but they are my passion. Sadly, I got started very late in life especially when it comes to learning to ride. All my lady friends are horse fanatics, however, I am the only one who quilts. Am presently trying to teach myself to FMQ on my machine. Frustrating but I know it just takes a lot of practice. I like your blog!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Mary. I came to horses late in life as well--35 when I bought Elly for all the wrong reasons (she was beautiful, though, and I loved her from the start). Spent many years on the ground unexpectedly, thus the need for the sugeries. Now a shot keeps my pain level bearable and I'm riding again. Along with quilting, what could be better riding? Yep, lots of practice will make your quilting beautiful!


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