
Monday, June 7, 2010

Houseguests, Fly-Mask Fashion & Practice

Most houseguests call before they move in...our latest ones didn't bother.  They did, however, explore the entire porch before deciding to make our front door their home.

Recognize the nest?? It belongs to these guys:

They're incredibly cute, but now we have to be very careful before opening the front door.  They flit around and scream at us whenever we dare to exit/enter the house.  And they haven't even had their babies yet--it will get noisier, but the babies will certainly make for some cute photos.

On Saturday, summer arrived and with it, the flies that drive the horses nuts.  Everyone got new fly masks this year and were kind enough to model them for me.  What do you think???  Aren't these the best?!  The boys got cross-eyed eyes staring at a butterfly and the girls got flowers.  This is Bailey...

And here's Kate:

And for a little quilty goodness, here's another practice piece that I did after watching Jamie Wallen's Cotton Tracks. After all, isn't this blog supposed to be about quilting??


  1. nice practice piece
    and love the fly masks--all the rage this season!!

  2. Your quilting is really coming along! The practice piece looks great. Can't wait to see pictures of the babies.

  3. Love the practice piece! Nice job! The swallows are to make up for Dennis not letting you have chooks.

  4. I am not a horse person, so fly masks are new to me. I love them! I also like your practice piece. Joyce

  5. Thanks for all the comments. The horses do look cute in their new flymasks; although they're now covered with mud! And the swallows have moved; they're building a nest right outside our bedroom door. They are so fun to watch! (Still wish I had chooks!)

  6. Don't you just hate those flies...Do you need to ride with a fly mask?

    I love your practice pieces..I'll have to hunt down that DVD although I'm not doing very much quilting at the moment as my other horsey life took over big time!!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland


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