This one is starting mid-November, with the fabric requirements being posted sometime next week. I've always wanted to do one of these, but never have. Quiltville is Bonnie Hunter's site and she is definitely the queen of scrap quilts. I've always wanted to make a scrap quilt and now seems like the right time. Of course, by the time the directions are posted and the quilt starts, I'll be way too busy *sigh* My good friend, Kristina, is having a mystery on her blog...go check it out. I was going to do that one, too, but as usual, it didn't happen. *pout*
Bonnie currently has three scrap quilts on her website; they're still posted step-by-step. If all else fails, at least they're posted for long enough for me to catch up. I love the names: Orange Crush, Old Tobacco Road and Double Delight.
So...anyone want to do this mystery with me? Who knows, maybe if I have some company, I may actually do it!! ....maybe....
I am doing the Roll Roll Cotton Boll mystery by jump on board and do it with me. ;0) k