
Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Quilt from Asilomar

Okay, the quilt isn't exactly from Asilomar. Last year when I attended Janet Fogg's class at Empty Spools, I met Jan who was also taking the class.  Jan actually finished her class project, unlike others who shall remain nameless, and sent it to me for quilting.

This is what I received:

After much consultation, this is the finished product. Personally, I thought feathers would have looked good, but since the picture is of her son-in-law and since the quilt is for her son-in-law, she actually thought that feathers would be too girly. Go figure!

I quilted every other yellow and blue pieced ray with a maze design to give the rays definition. Then I quilted the entire mountain with the same maze pattern. On the fabric photo, I used Madeira's monofilament (love that stuff) to quilt around her son-in-law, outlining him and filling in where there were clothing changes and anyplace that would add definition to his photo.  The backgrounds were stitched with Rainbows Waikiki in the sky and Bottom Line Lace White in the clouds and snow.

It was a really fun quilt to work on; hope her son-in-law likes it!

1 comment:

  1. a fine example of how quilting makes the quilt! It's fantastic!


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