
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

From the Right Coast

This gorgeous quilt came to me all the way wfrom South Carolina!!  Imagine that...I certainly felt honored.

I met Joyce the first time I attended an Empty Spools session at Asilomar three years ago. She and I were in the same class taught by Janet Fogg. A few months back, she e-mailed to see if I'd like to quilt one of her quilts since she "liked the way I do samplers." Silly question!! Of course I wanted to quilt her quilt.

She sent it out and here are a few pictures of the blocks after quilting.

Here are two more, both front and back views:

And one last one that shows the swags in the border.

Can you tell I had fun with this quilt? Remember, for a closer look at any of these pics just click on them. 



  1. what a happy looking quilt-love the colors and the quilting!

  2. Beautiful quilting, D, and the colors in that quilt are fantastic!! Good work, Joyce!

  3. Love, love what Dory quilted on my quilt! Now I am attaching the binding. Yea! I will have a finished UFO! Only 44 more to go.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks everyone! I really had fun with this one and felt quite privileged that Joyce trusted me with it since I'd never quilted for her before.


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