
Friday, August 17, 2012

Quilting Negative Space

I had no idea what that even meant until I took an online class at Craftsy with Angela Walters.  Negative space equals space with nothing in it.  Makes sense now.  The class involved drawing and watching Angela quilt some awesome designs and share some really creative ideas.

As you've probably figured out by now, Marei tends to give me quilts that are a challenge. (I often think she lies in bed at night dreaming up patterns that push my quilting boundaries!) This one was no exception. She left some odd shaped "negative" space in the borders that she said was "just for me."

So...after Angela's class, I knew what to do. I "dwirled" the body. There was so much going on that all it needed was some texture. I have the most beautiful orange thread that worked great for this.

Then, ala Angela, I filled the negative spaces. I used her swirl fill and created a few blocks that imitated the blocks in the quilt. What do you think??

Without Angela's class, I never would have come up with this idea. Now I can't wait to try it even more!!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda. It was fun to have a new idea for the quilting!

  2. Dory, looks great! Wish I knew how to do those swirls you did in the borders. I just can't get even looking circles (curves) like that. I must be doing something wrong. Thank you for showing your work, I'm always inspired. Sara (ohsirius7)

    1. Sara, look closer. They're not that even, but when you have zillions of them, you get the illusion. Go for it; I know you can do it!!

  3. Thanks Dory! They sure look nice and round and even to me! Sara

  4. Love what you did in the negative space and how you dealt with the colorful, busy positive space.

    1. Thanks, Joyce! I'm really finding I'm no longer afraid of those big open spaces; its been fun!

  5. Love what you did in the negative space and how you dealt with the colorful, busy positive space.


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