
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pacific West Quilt Show in Tacoma

I'm in Portland this week at MQX and rather than leave you post-less again, I'll leave you with some beautiful quilting shots from the Tacoma Quilt show.

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A few months back, the Sequim guild chartered a bus for travel to Tacoma for the quilt show. I was a bit curious about the bus we'd be on since my friend, Annie, had just gone on a bus tour where the chartered bus turned out to be an old school bus--you guessed it: no air conditioning, no heat! I was quite pleased to arrive at the rendezvous area and see one of those nice senior citizen type buses. And I'm sure that's what this bus was since I got the last seat...a wheelchair in the back of the bus! It was quite comfortable though. It even reminded me of my mom as she was a paraplegic.

The next few posts will have pics of some of my favorite quilts. One of the most fun things for me at quilt shows is to see how others quilt their quilts. Its also quite sobering to realize how far I have to go to get as good as these quilters. Some are simply amazing.

The next few pics are from a quilt by Janet Fogg. I love her style and took her class the first time I went to Asilomar. Someday I may even finish the quilt I started there. Janet's style is unique and take a close look at her quilting. I'm loving the puzzle pieces!!

Close-up of the puzzle pieces and the really cool way she quilted the words "its magic." Take the time to click on the photo. It will make it large enough to really enjoy the quilting detail.

Would you look at the quilting on this car!! Janet does all her own quilting; its fabulous!!

Stay tuned for more quilts.


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