
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!!

If my mom were still alive, she'd be 90 years old today. That's a hard thing for me to imagine. This photo of her was taken during WWII. She was a Marine, although at that point I think all women were allowed to do was cook. I remember her telling me about peeling potatoes!! Lots and lots of potatoes. *grin*

I was 31 when she died and hadn't even met Dennis yet. I like to think if she were still alive, there are many things in my life that would make her happy: being married to my best friend (for 12 years next month); having horses (I used to make her NUTS when I was little); turning my passion for quilting into a profession; and my dogs. My mom always loved animals (I think that's where I get it from), and she's always loved my dogs. 

Happy birthday mom...I still miss you.


  1. Don't you just love pictures of women taken in the forties? They look so put together. Lipstick all the time and good shoes! My mother's name was Dorothy,everyone else called her Dot though.Rae Parkin.

    1. Hi Rae, no one calls me Dot unless they want to make me crazy!! But I so agree with you about women in the 40s and even the 50s. The makeup, the shoes...everything was so perfect!

  2. What a beauty! She was sure happy that day, love her smile. My Mom will be 88 this July. It is so hard to watch her aging and not able to sew like she once could. I know that she would be proud of you and all you have done. LOL,well they look put together in fotos, afterall it was special to get your picture taken. Hats, gloves, stockings and heels! My Grandmother would be dressed like that just to go to the grocery store! She was apalled to see anyone in curlers, let alone as we see now. I have seen so many in Walmart in their PJs. Just bugs me!LOL So glad that you have good memories! Hugs, Sara

    1. Sara, you are so right. My mother-in-law used to go out in full makeup to go to the grocery store in our little town of Quincy! It was pretty cute. My mom didn't sew, but she did do Tri-chem. Its a sort of grown-up version of color crayons (I used to tease her about it). It kept her busy after she was paralyzed and she really enjoyed it. Give your mom a hug and enjoy the time you have with her. Dory

  3. Your Mom was a beautiful woman. You resemble her.

  4. Mom especially loved elephants as does her granddaughter, Dr. Sherry. She would be so proud of her granddaughter's achievement to become a surgeon. Women were not only cooks, but nurses. Barbara

    1. I don't remember mom especially loving elephants, but I do know she'd be very proud of Sherry. Who'd have ever thought we'd have a doc in the family!!


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