
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Empty Spools 2013

I am so fortunate to be going to Empty Spools again this year! I leave next Wednesday on the travel adventure--car, ferry, train, plane, car--and that's just to get there.  This time, Cindy and I are taking a class from Judy Niemeyer. I love her quilts and feel so privileged to learn from the lady, herself.

However, now that I've chosen my pattern (Agave Garden), choosing fabric/color has been a chore. I don't want my quilt to look exactly like hers, so I've tried to shake things up a bit. Honestly, give me a kit for this one--I'm making myself crazy.

I studied the pattern for a long time trying to determine how she'd done her color placement and then I imitated that. I'm still not sure about what I've chosen and even though some of my colors are different, I just noticed that I'm still going with the basic yellow/red/orange combo in the middle. Oh well...

More pics to follow as I get things cut out.


  1. Dory, work out your background colour first, doesn't have to be black, then go with lots of other colours that work with it. Could look sensational in monochromatic colours.

  2. It's best to stick with the professional designer's colors. I know from experience. These are too much work and expense traveling to Asilomar to screw up. Who needs another unwanted UFO in the pile? Susan

    1. I really want to try one of Judy's patterns in monochromatic colors, but not this one! Susan, you hit the nail on the head: this is my first Judy pattern, so I opted for color. My colors are not identical to her's, but they are certainly similar. Asilomar is expensive, but something I look forward to and save for all year. Its the best vacation ever!

  3. Those batiks with the different colors: not good. This design needs uniform color in the fabric or you won't get the effect intended by the designer. Joyce

    1. Joyce, you should have been here to go shopping with me! I sort of realized that as I was looking at the pattern and cutting it out (took THREE days!), so I did some creative cutting. I'm hoping it works!!!

  4. No pics of the cut out fabric as promised or your quilt. What's up? Joyce

    1. Joyce, do you have a little chip in your computer that tells you what I'm doing on mine??? I was just uploading the pics when this came through...stand by. :0)


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