
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quilting Retreat

I was invited to a retreat in Poulsbo...a retreat that lasted for an entire week! Of course, I accepted. I only knew two of the twelve ladies that would be attending, but two was better than none and now I have ten new friends to add to the two original ones. That has been one of the incredible things about moving to Washington. People here QUILT!!

This is the house we had for the week.  Poulsbo is an incredibly cute town. There's a small area downtown that is the main touristy part of town. Its old and cute and right on the water. This house is just a couple of blocks from the water and the downtown area and a really great ice cream shop!!

There were three bedrooms upstairs, one down, the sewing room, plus a full kitchen and dining room. This is a shot of the sewing area.
Shirley, the friend that was responsible for my being there, had won these blocks at a previous retreat. She wasn't sure what to do with them, so she'd just hung them on the design wall. In the morning, she woke to this top--completely constructed by two of the ladies that stayed up til 4 a.m. working on it.

I did four blocks on each of my Aiming for Accuracy quilts to get caught up (the caught up part only lasted for a few days--I'm behind again *sigh*) and then I made two of these Five-yard quilts. Its a really simple and easy pattern if, and I do mean if, you follow the directions.  This one is for a friend of mine who is having a baby in December.

This one is for...I don't know what or who. I just liked the fabric.

1 comment:

  1. Yea Dory! Looks like you had a good time. What a lovely place to go for a retreat. Glad that you got some things done. Love the top that the ladies completed. That was so very nice of them to do that. Haven't heard of the 5 Yard Quilt before. Will check it out. Those look really great. Sara


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