
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Betty's Stars and Pinwheels

I'm always amazed and humbled when people whom I haven't spoken to personally walk up to me and say, "I want you to quilt my quilt." Its such an honor to be trusted with their masterpiece. New customers are a blessing and a curse--its the first quilt: what if <gasp> they don't like what I do???  Luckily (knocking on wood) this hasn't happened to me and I hope it never does!

Betty walked up to me at the Cabin Fever Quilters meeting and said just that: "I want you to quilt my quilt." She didn't mind that my schedule is such that there would be a couple of months before she saw it again. So I took it home and drooled over it. For some reason, I just love this quilt--I'm thinking its because stars and pinwheels are my favorite blocks and red is one of my favorite colors--might have had something to do with it!

There were so many options for this quilt. I always give my customers three to choose from with different price points so that they feel their money is well spent. I could see feathers all over this quilt, but Betty wanted me to keep it simple. A closer look (below) and you can see the continuous curve in the stars and pinwheels. A simple smallish meander in the background rounded out the simple quilting.

Me, being me, I couldn't leave well enough alone.  I had to sneak some feathers in so I feathered the border (rather pointless, since it only shows if your face is right next to the quilt) and did a little feather/loopy thing (ala Deloa Jones, I think) on the inner border.  That one did show and it framed the quilt nicely, I think.

What would you have done had this been your quilt. Feathers or something simple, as Betty chose?

Thanks for dropping by!


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