
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Project Quilting -- Log Cabin

This is what happens when you have EQ7 and no imagination...
This month's block was Log Cabin and since I couldn't think of anything else to do, I kept it simple. I do like the black fabrics I chose to set off the red, but really....this one is nothing to write home about.

Here's a shot of the back that shows the quilting. That at least took a little thought and fun design elements with the curved crosshatch and the feathers.

Here's the biggest problem. It needs a name...HELP! What do I call it??  "Unimaginative" comes to mind! <smirk>


1 comment:

  1. Black and red are two of my favorite colors so I think this looks great. I can't help with a name but it reminds me of strawberries and chocolate.


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