
Monday, August 31, 2015

Project Quilting -- Pinwheel

This month its the Pinwheel Block for my Focus Through the Prism challenge. I opted for idea why. Seemed like a good idea at the time! I chose gray (vs black)  background because I didn't want my quilt to look like a giant bumblebee!!

Once again, I have to thank EQ7 for my pattern. I did a search for pinwheels hoping for inspiration, when I came across this pattern. It immediately appealed to me because it resembled a  saw blade. Odd only if you don't know me.  My husband used to log with draft horses and he had his own mill on our property in California. We spent many hours feeding logs onto the mill and watching the blades spin as they ran down the logs, cutting them into boards.

Although today is the 31st, I actually finished this in plenty of time--in fact, I was sewing the binding on Friday night during the Seahawks game. I had DAYS to spare--two to be exact!!!

Here's a shot of the back...quilting these is always fun for me.

Think I'll call this one "Saw Wheel" -- so clever, I know!!!! (Quit laughing at me!!)


1 comment:

  1. this is beautiful! I love the quilting! I think that's been my favorite part for these too!


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