
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Cabin Fever Quilter 2016 Opportunity Quilt

I was given the honor of quilting this Opportunity Quilt for the Cabin Fever Quilters Guild. This is the third one I've done for them and I'm always so pleased when they ask. Its a real compliment and I so appreciate it. 

This quilt is just stunning--and appropriate. The name: Cabin Fever Quilt! It was from a pattern in Primitive Quilts (the magazine) and then the ladies putting it together added some blocks to make it larger. I love how it turned out!

I had originally planned to quilt this much the same as the magazine, but those extra blocks made me rethink it.  Following are many pics of this quilt showing the line work and fill behind the applique. Remember, for a close-up of any of the photos, just click on it.

 Don't you love the "suns" with the darker log cabins?  I wish I could take credit for that, but alas, I can't. That was the only design in the original quilting that I used and will use again.  It was perfect with those log cabins!

The hardest part for me with this quilt was the backing fabric. I quilted this whole thing with the same cream colored thread (So Fine--I love that stuff) top and bobbin. The problem??  The backing was a dark gray--almost the same as the frame around the applique. I thought about using a gray in the bobbin, but any little bit of that gray showing through on the top or the cream on the back would have made me crazy! Instead I opted for all cream, so that means the back is almost like a whole cloth--albeit by a crazy quilter that doesn't know the thread is supposed to match!!!

Not sure why the gray fabric is so yellow in this pic, but you can still see the quilting.


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