
Monday, March 6, 2017

Girlfriend Quilts

Aren't these adorable??  And the story behind them will make your heart happy.

Camille used to live in Alaska and she answered her doorbell one day to find a young man, approximately six I believe, at her door. His rain boots were on the wrong feet (notice the quilt block in the middle of each quilt). He wanted to be friends and so they became best "girlfriends."

Fast forward to present day and Camille calling to ask if I could quilt these for her. Turns out that this young man had developed a brain tumor and was dying. She wanted to take these quilts up for a last visit in Alaska while he would still remember her. She made it there in time and he did remember her.

Here are a couple of close-ups of the two quilts (one for her and one for him).

I just thought it was so cute to have this center block with the boots on backwards. Such a happy memory for them both.

Thanks for looking,

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