
Monday, January 14, 2019

Sequim Bay Yacht Club Hospice Quilt

I almost always take the New Year's Day Mystery Quilting Class from Longarm University. Several years ago I took the class and actually finished the quilt! I'm great at starting; its my follow through that has issues. Anyway, Dennis races on a sailboat with a Captain who is very involved with raising money for Hospice. That year, I gave them my quilt to raffle. Since then, they've been piecing quilts and giving them to me for quilting so they can raffle them off.  This was the quilt for 2018.

I found this pattern when I was in Santa Cruz and thought it appropriate for a sailing organization. The ladies pieced it and I got to play with the quilting.  I did some linework around the outside, but quilted clouds behind the boat and gulls in the middle.  Of course, later (isn't hindsight always 20/20?), I thought I should have quilted clouds behind the gulls on the side as well.

Here's a shot of the linework I did in the corners.

Luckily, the folks buying tickets for the quilt didn't seem to mind my lapse in quilting creativity!


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