
Monday, February 4, 2019

Anna's Test Quilt

Okay, it really wasn't a test. It was just funny! The week prior to picking up Anna's cute bike quilt for quilting, Becky gave me a much larger bike quilt to quilt.  I teased them both about Anna's being the test run for the real thing!

For such a small quilt, I tried to put in a lot of detail. If you click on the pic, either this one or the back, pictured below, you'll see what I mean. Its a small quilt, but its so artistic. It almost looks as if you could jump on that bike and ride away.

Here's a shot of the back:

Don't you love this fabric???  I remember Anna telling me how much her friend, the quilt recipient, loves chocolate. This is just perfect.

Stay tuned for the "real" bicycle quilt, coming up next!


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