
Monday, June 24, 2019

Charlene's Gridlock Quilt

Another of Charlene's beautiful quilts. This pattern is called Gridlock.

This quilt was a challenge for me, design wise.  Am I supposed to admit that? Some quilts just throw me for a loop! First the outside had single blocks, then three in a "V" formation, and then the middle had four blocks making a large square. Once I had those figured out, staying simple, I had to do something in those setting triangles to balance out the center, but it couldn't be overly dense. A whole quilt of simple designs, not something I normally do.

I started off doing a large continuous curve in the big blocks and then echoing it for more definition.

In the "V" and single blocks, I went with more CCs, just smaller. And the setting triangles got a CC design with wishbones filling the middle.

This one shows more of the setting triangle and the geometric border.

And finally, a couple shots of the back.

I dropped this quilt off for Charlene in Port Townsend the other day. She had already put the binding on the first quilt and planned to finish this one and enter them both in our local fair. And she trusted me with another one of her beauties!

Thanks for stopping by


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