
Saturday, February 1, 2020

New Year's Day 2020 Mystery Quilting Project

I have been participating in this Mystery Quilting project with Longarm University and Cindy Roth for about eight years now. In those eight years, I've totally misread the directions (the first year) and am too embarrassed to tell you what I did. Suffice it to say, that mistake has never been made again and I didn't finish the project. The only other year that I didn't participate was 2019--the project included applique. In my dictionary, applique is a four letter word!!

So...onto the basics and then the pics. Each year, Cindy posts a pattern with instruction. The idea is to have the top completed and loaded so that on New Year's Day when the instruction starts coming, you're ready to go. I had mine loaded and ready, but I sure didn't start at 8 a.m. with the first post! I girl has to eat!!!

So this is the completed top:
Although it looks yellow, the fabric is a brilliant white and the black is polka-dot Grunge (I'm in love with the entire Grunge line). One of the really nice things about this project is that Cindy creates a FB page and is there to answer questions. When I realized that we wouldn't be quilting this block by block, allowing me to match thread/fabric color, I was stumped. I generally like my quilting to show up as texture and not be the main event. Cindy suggested variegated green and I went with it.

Below are some closeups of the front. 

And now pics of the back...the best part! (Double click on this first pic for a better view of the entire back)

 A bit pic heavy, but the back of this quilt is just FUN!!! And, again, its truly white fabric...I think I need a new camera!!

Thanks for looking!

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