
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ginny's Chihuly Exhibit Quilt

 Ginny is super creative. She likes to take pictures and have them made into fabric at Spoonflower. From there, she turns them into stunning quilts. This one is no exception. She attended the Chihuly Exhibit in Seattle (pre Covid), took photos, and made this lovely quilt.

The goal with this quilt was to not interfere with the printed fabric, yet I had to quilt it somehow. I opted for simple linework in all the blocks. Some dot-to-dot ala Angela Walters and just some cross-hatching...without the "cross" part. (LOL)

When I got to the border, I originally did double piano keys. When I had finished the quilt and looked at it, I decided that was too plain. So around again I went, adding ribbon candy to each "key" for more interest. 

In the corners I did a mirror image dot-to-dot design.

Here are a couple more shots of the front.

I'm thinking my camera wasn't too good with the color of the backing, but at least the quilting shows up! 

This pic shows thread changes...had to be done to keep the quilting from being too obvious on the front. Makes the back look a little wonky though.

When things open up again and if you've never seen the Chihuly Exhibit, its well worth the visit. And after you visit, take the ferry across the Sound to the Olympic Peninsula. Stop in at the new quilt shop  in Sequim (A Stitch in Time Quilt Shoppe) and say hi.  


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