
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Mary's Ponce de Leon Design

 I'm not sure I can do the explanation of this quilt justice--I quilted it back in May. (I know...I should do better keeping up with my blog!) As I recall, there is a park in Florida that Mary used as the inspiration for this one.

If I'm remembering correctly, there is a fountain in the center of the park--that's what the center of the quilt represents. The quilting consisted of lots of linework as well as some different fills, like Ribbon Candy and Basket Weave.

And, finally, the back. Mary used a neutral gray for most, but she also put a strip in using the leftover fabric from the front. (Clever way to use the scraps--wish I'd remember that!) The quilting shows up nicely in the background, making it easier to see what was done by the center fountain and surrounding areas. 

Thanks for looking!


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