First the few pics I have of Cindy's. She's always way more organized and comes to class with an idea of what she wants to do. Me?? Organized??? No....I decide the first night of class usually. Cindy's maiden name is Starr, so she loves stars--are you surprised? Me neither. She opted for something pointy and star-like for her Storm at Sea quilt.
She started here with colors that will go well with her family room:
As class went on, she got to this point. Its going to be so incredible when its done! (Sorry for the photo quality; I took these pics with my iPhone.)
Then I started mine with just a small drawing from an idea in Wendy's book and came up with the players. And the best part about the cutting? Many of the pieces are "cut about" whatever size; only a few are "cut exactly." That's the beauty of using her Trimplates. Click here to see a video of Wendy demonstrating the Trimplates. You sew and then and easy!!
From my original center drawing and playing with my fabrics, I got this...
Then it was back to the drawing board to try to figure out where to go. Luckily, Wendy had brought her computer and printer and was able to print out larger design sheets for us to color...I mean design.
And from my drawing, came this. Funny thing was that I absolutely did not like it, until I put it on point. When it was square and staring at me, it was so boring. When I turned it 45 degrees, I fell in love (don't tell Dennis!) Now I have to figure out how to end it or let it keep growing.

Part Four will be up when this quilt is finished...or when the top is done anyway. My goal is to have it ready to take to Asilomar with me next year.
Beautiful, Dorothy!