Did you ever think there could be such a thing? My older sister, Barbara, calls me
Pollyanna because I always tend to look on the bright side. Did you ever see the movie? Its worth watching even though it was made in 1960 and based on a book written in 1913.
Anyway, because I am such an optimist, I had my fabrics cut for Planet Patchwork's mystery and I was busily working on my top for Longarm University's mystery. I had planned to work on my piecing in between quilting the different bits of the quilt. However, since I didn't finish my top until almost 10 a.m. (this was after getting up in the middle of the night and working on it from 2:00 to 4:30 a.m. and then starting again at 7), this didn't even come close to happening. I was so far behind with my quilting, I never even looked at the Planet Patchwork website.
Of course, had I paid more attention to the instructions, things may have gone a bit faster *shrug*
These are some of the pieces, stars, trees and a cabin...
This is what the top looked like when I'd finished it. That border was rather fiddly, but I finally got it to work properly.
Alas, the top is still on the frame, but here's a sneak peak of what some of the "mystery" quilting looks like so far.
I downloaded the directions from Planet Patchwork's mystery and plan to start working on it soon. Its still a mystery for me since I haven't seen the finished top.