I had just gotten a new ruler from Jamie Wallen at Quilter's Apothecary and with Carolyn's permission, did a little playing with her border. The ruler is called the Mystical Arch and does individual scallops. I have another ruler that is similar, but it requires taking the quilt off the frame and turning it to complete the side borders. If you have a longarm, you know not only what a challenge that can be, but also the extra time involved. With this ruler, you go across the top and down the sides as you go. The only prep required is marking the middle of the border.
This shows the simple design in the border using those rulers. Note the center scallop is a different shape--that's the one in the middle. Unless you're extremely lucky (something I'm not), the center one will always be a bit wonky. However, since it is in the center, its a "design element," not a mistake!!

When I first began quilting, I knew some of the things I wanted to do, but not all. For instance, I knew I wanted feathers in the green polka dots around the nine-patch and a double CC in the nine-patch. I left those floral, inner square shapes empty as I couldn't decide what to do. I decided on the feather motif originating from different angles, but I knew that wouldn't really fill the space. So I opted for an outline of sorts to make the shape stand out. Imagine my surprise when this, too, turned into a "design element," albeit an accidental one!! This made those circles just pop!!! I love how they turned out.
And what post would be complete without a couple shots of the back??
Thanks for having a look!
Design Elements always look great on quilts.